
It's the English vocabulary for Indonesian people who learn English. This is the compilation of words that commonly used in daily life, especially in writing. It's good to memorize all these words. You can practice making them sentences many times, so that you an easily remember all.
underlie,-lay, -lain: mendasari
currently: sekarang ini
evolving: mengembangkan
Fallacies: buah pikiran yang keliru
It garantee you
merits: kbaikan, jasa, guna, manfaat
exaggerated: membesar2kan
interface: menghubungkan
pretentious: mewah, megah
Panelists: peserta dalam diskusi beregu
jargony: kata yg dgunakn oleh profesional tapi sulit bagi orang lain
downright: utter, complete
cranky: lekas marah/tersinggung
perpetuating: mengabadikan
supposedly: menurut dugaan
precept: aturan, ajaran
innate: inborn, originl in mind
rest assured that: yakinlah bahwa
lucid: jelas, terang
blessed: made holly
concise: giving information clearly and in simple word
behalf: kepentingan
flawless: sempurna, tanpa cacat
living expenses: biaya hidup
magnetic: menarik
chaos: kacau-balau
Deciphering: membaca dan mengartikan/menguraikan
stand out from the crowd
it came to prominence(terkemuka) in the 1980s
tangible: nyata, perceptable by touch
equates: menyamakan
plight: dangerous, difficult, unfortunate situation
blend: mencampur
advent: kedatangan
defeat: kalah(N/V)
proclaiming: menyatakan
mold: membentuk
wage: gaji harian/mingguan
opposed to: melawan
allure: daya tarik/pemikat
forcibly: done by force
ample: more than enough
encompasses: meliputi
incorporate: menggabungkan
imparting: memberikan/menyampaikan
endeavor: do segala usaha, ikhtiar
etiquette: tata cara
hints: isyarat, tanda, mengisyaratkan
Disclosure: penyingkapan
allegedly: menurut dugaan
detained: ditahan
accused: terdakwah/dituduh
defamed: mencemarkan nama baik
condone: memaafkan
slandering: fitnah, umpat
this opportunity slip off your hand
immigrants flocked to the U.S. in the pursuit of life
For a couple of years
new marketing strategies that make you money instead of cost you money
The passive voice is created by switching the position of the object and the subject
language, they say, isn't good or bad; it simply is
set down by an external authority
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