English Vocabulary Collection

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It's the English vocabulary for Indonesian people who learn English. This is the compilation of words that commonly used in daily life, especially in writing. It's good to memorize all these words. You can practice making them sentences many times, so that you an easily remember all.

underlie,-lay, -lain: mendasari
currently: sekarang ini
evolving: mengembangkan
Fallacies: buah pikiran yang keliru
It garantee you
merits: kbaikan, jasa, guna, manfaat
exaggerated: membesar2kan
interface: menghubungkan
pretentious: mewah, megah
Panelists: peserta dalam diskusi beregu
jargony: kata yg dgunakn oleh profesional tapi sulit bagi orang lain
downright: utter, complete
cranky: lekas marah/tersinggung
perpetuating: mengabadikan
supposedly: menurut dugaan
precept: aturan, ajaran
innate: inborn, originl in mind
rest assured that: yakinlah bahwa
lucid: jelas, terang
blessed: made holly
concise: giving information clearly and in simple word
behalf: kepentingan
flawless: sempurna, tanpa cacat
living expenses: biaya hidup
magnetic: menarik
chaos: kacau-balau
Deciphering: membaca dan mengartikan/menguraikan
stand out from the crowd
it came to prominence(terkemuka) in the 1980s
tangible: nyata, perceptable by touch
equates: menyamakan
plight: dangerous, difficult, unfortunate situation
blend: mencampur
advent: kedatangan
defeat: kalah(N/V)
proclaiming: menyatakan
mold: membentuk
wage: gaji harian/mingguan
opposed to: melawan
allure: daya tarik/pemikat
forcibly: done by force
ample: more than enough
encompasses: meliputi
incorporate: menggabungkan
imparting: memberikan/menyampaikan
endeavor: do segala usaha, ikhtiar
etiquette: tata cara
hints: isyarat, tanda, mengisyaratkan
Disclosure: penyingkapan
allegedly: menurut dugaan
detained: ditahan
accused: terdakwah/dituduh
defamed: mencemarkan nama baik
condone: memaafkan
slandering: fitnah, umpat

this opportunity slip off your hand
immigrants flocked to the U.S. in the pursuit of life
For a couple of years
new marketing strategies that make you money instead of cost you money
The passive voice is created by switching the position of the object and the subject

language, they say, isn't good or bad; it simply is
set down by an external authority

underlie,-lay, -lain: mendasari
currently: sekarang ini
evolving: mengembangkan
Fallacies: buah pikiran yang keliru
It garantee you
merits: kbaikan, jasa, guna, manfaat
exaggerated: membesar2kan
interface: menghubungkan
pretentious: mewah, megah
Panelists: peserta dalam diskusi beregu
jargony: kata yg dgunakn oleh profesional tapi sulit bagi orang lain
downright: utter, complete
cranky: lekas marah/tersinggung
perpetuating: mengabadikan
supposedly: menurut dugaan
precept: aturan, ajaran
innate: inborn, originl in mind
rest assured that: yakinlah bahwa
lucid: jelas, terang
blessed: made holly
concise: giving information clearly and in simple word
behalf: kepentingan
flawless: sempurna, tanpa cacat
living expenses: biaya hidup
magnetic: menarik
chaos: kacau-balau
Deciphering: membaca dan mengartikan/menguraikan
stand out from the crowd
it came to prominence(terkemuka) in the 1980s
tangible: nyata, perceptable by touch
equates: menyamakan
plight: dangerous, difficult, unfortunate situation
blend: mencampur
advent: kedatangan
defeat: kalah(N/V)
proclaiming: menyatakan
mold: membentuk
wage: gaji harian/mingguan
opposed to: melawan
allure: daya tarik/pemikat
forcibly: done by force
ample: more than enough
encompasses: meliputi
incorporate: menggabungkan
imparting: memberikan/menyampaikan
endeavor: do segala usaha, ikhtiar
etiquette: tata cara
hints: isyarat, tanda, mengisyaratkan
Disclosure: penyingkapan
allegedly: menurut dugaan
detained: ditahan
accused: terdakwah/dituduh
defamed: mencemarkan nama baik
condone: memaafkan
slandering: fitnah, umpat

this opportunity slip off your hand
immigrants flocked to the U.S. in the pursuit of life
For a couple of years
new marketing strategies that make you money instead of cost you money
The passive voice is created by switching the position of the object and the subject

language, they say, isn't good or bad; it simply is
set down by an external authority

Nerd : Kutu buku / pintar tapi introvert
Backed : didukung
Bail out : kondisi bank tak mampu bayar hutang
Back down (on) : mundur
when/if ... ... then = jika ... maka
clinch : merebut (victory), menutup
squarely : secara jujur
thoroughly : secara menyeluruh
entirely : seluruhnya
Hit back
placate : mendamaikan, menentramkan (plakeit)
slander : memfitnah
smile wryly : senyum dengan masam
blaspheme : mengutuk, menyerapah, menghina Tuhan
wand : tongkat pesulap
plenary : paripurna, pleno
pedestrian : pejalan kaki
inconsistent : tidak tetap
tripwire : kabel listrik yang moratmarit ke jalanan
on the pretext : dengan dalih
notion : ide
mingle : bergaul, berbaur
incessantly : dengan berkelanjutan
patchy : setengah-setengah, tidak selesai, tidak lengkap
Vexed : menjengkelkan
compassion : perasaan haru, keharuan
evolve : berembang
coincides : bertepatan
bust: payu dara, a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest
predecessor : pendahulu
successor : penerus
adherence : ketaatan
replete : penuh dengan (adj)
treason : pengkhianatan
Persistence : ketekunan
vehemently : dengan penuh nafsu
loch : teluk
atrocity : kekejaman
mercilessly : tanpa ampun
shudder at  : merasa ngeri, jijik
 nipped : menjepit
collide : berbenturan
frantic: dalam keadaan takut.
The dangerous men are on the loose     ????
stand guard   ?????
Get by : to be ?able to ?live or ?deal with a ?situation with ?difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as ?money:
How can he get by on so little ?money?
We can get by with four ?computers at the ?moment, but we'll need a ?couple more when the new ?staff ?arrive.
emasculate : mengebiri
Spit : meludah, ludah/liur
flank : mengapit
reconvene : berkumpul kembali
discreet : berhati-hati (adj)
delicately : dg nyaman
decapitate : memenggal leher
despot : penguasa yang kejam
callousness : sifat tidak berperasaan
reputedly : kata orang
deferred : menunda
brazen : kurang ajar
popped up
break into
chalked up : beruntung, mencatat
Likewise : demikian juga
child-rearing : memperbesar
compensated : mengganti rugi
commensurately : setaraf, sepadan
perceive : merasa
to condense (merampingkan) two cabinets into one
His eyebrows furrowed : berkerut
My lips pursed : berkerut (just for lips)
gasp : terengah-engah
mound : gundukan
tilt : memiringkan
vigilantly : dg waspada
are acutely aware of : benar2 mengetahui tentang
affluent (makmur) families
Boo : mengolok, ejek
bruising : memar
Strew : menaburkan
overlook : melupakan, pangling
Figure : jumlah, bilangan, data
beforehand : sebelumnya
ever since : ?continuously since that ?time - sejak
 He's been ?depressed ever since he got ?divorced.
get over something : to ?accept an ?unpleasant ?fact or ?situation after ?dealing with it for a while:
 They’re ?upset that you didn’t ?call, but they’ll get over it.
steward : mengurus, melayani
municipalities : kotamadya
truant : bolos
illicit relationship : hub gelap
tardiness : keterlambatan
compel : memaksa
absurd : mustahil, tak masuk akal
tiresome : membosankan, menjemukan
bigot : orang fanatik
preserve : memelihara, mempertahankan (tradisi), mengawetkan,
fore : bagian depan (n), depan/muka (adj)
 strengths and weaknesses
mingle : bergaul dengan
stockpile : nyetok, mengadakan persediaan
underwrite: mempertangungjawabkan, menanggung (s. o's education)
regrettably : disayangkan
strike sb/sth off : memecat
moans and panting : merintih dan terengah
classy : mentereng, bagus sekali
grave sin : dosa besar (...against God)
spanking : memukul di pantat
collated : collect and combine (text and information)
dispatch : mengirim, mengutus
gleaning : mengumpulkan sedikit2
woefully : dengan sedih
incorporated : menyatukan
startle : mengejutkan, mengagetkan
likely >< unlikely
Downplay : make sth appear less important than it really is
inaugural : pengukuhan
comply : tunduk, patuh, mengikuti
stamp out : put an end to sth
carry away
tear down
having a whale of a time
screen them out beforehand
stark : yg sebenarnya, kejam seklai,
untenable : tak dapat dipertahankan
shun : menghindari, mengelakkan
banter : olok2, senda gurau
grope : meraba-raba
to put up with
piece something together
to fit something together; to assemble the pieces of something, such as a puzzle or something puzzling, and make sense of it.
e.gThe police were unable to piece the story together.
   The detective tried to piece together the events leading up to the crime.
consensus : mufakat, persetujuan umum
conscience : kata hati
consent : persetujuan
hoodwink : menipu, memperdayakan
pile up : menimbung
momentarily : sebentar lagi
drift off : to ?gradually ?start to ?sleep:
I couldn't ?help ?drifting off in the ?middle of that ?lecture - it was so ?boring!
jot down : mencatat
frankness : keterusterangan
inquire : meminta keterangan, menanyakan
inadvertently : dengan tak hati2
It would sell its 300 copies regardless (bagaimanapun juga)
convened : memanggil utk rapat, bersidang
conceive : menjadi hamil
Intermittently : dg sebentar2
frigid  : berhati dingin
disclosing : menyingkap
deploy : menyebarkan (prajurit)
Social Justice : keadilan sosial
crack down : to ?start ?dealing with ?bad or ?illegal ?behaviour in a more ?severe way:
The ?library is ?cracking down on people who lose their books.
conjure up : menyulapkan
enacting islamic laws
guise trouble : menimbulkan kekacauan
unequivocally : dengan tegas
to be organically interacted with by means of reading
refute : menyangkal
disillusion: mengecewakan, -ed : kecewa
get sth into
aviation attachments : lampiran penerbangan ????
stealthy : secara diam-diam
be matched by
paratroopers : pasukan payung
stage assault on
airborne (terbang/di dara) exercise
Topless : telanjang dada
famed : famous
virtually = nearly = amost
swamped : membanjiri
stronghold : kubu
al Qaeda offshoot : cabang, bagian
eradicating : membasmi
fiendishly : sangat jahat
whose demise would deal a hammer blow?
decapitation : pemenggalan leher
overlooks : meluakan
mayhem : aniaya
opaque : buam
tertiary = third
overrun : mengerumuni, membaniri,
alleged : diduga (tanpa bukti)
chaired : diketuai
decry : mengutuk, mencela, menentang
be sentenced to (10 years)
speed bumps : polisi tidur

Sulk : ngambek, merajuk, mendongkol
Indeed : memang, sungguh !
Concern : Prihatin, 
undaunted : tak takut/gentar, berani
hereditary : turun-temurun
fondle : memanjakan, menimang
aspire : bercita-cita, menginginkan
outstrip : melebihi, melampaui
the zeal and virtue : semangat dan kebaikan
proselyte : pemeluk agama baru, pengikut baru
Terus terang : frankly, candid, straightforward
including (preposition),
include (Verb)
prihatin concern
absurd : impossible, tak masuk akal
absorb  : menghisap
go through : mengalami
persecute : menyiksa, menganiaya
stronghold : kubu
Seek (Formal) not physical
Search : look for carefully
1) to look somewhere carefully
2) to try to find the answer to a problem
Look for sth/sbd: to try to find something or someone, either because you have lost them or because you need them
Bring implies the conveying of something from a distant place or person to a nearer place or person.
Example: Bring me a drink.
"Carry" implies the conveying of something from one place to another. 
Example: Please carry this to the car.
"Fetch" implies a two-way trip that is to go for something and bring it back. 
Example: Rover, fetch the ball.
"Take" implies motion away from speaker to a person or place. 
Example: Please take me to your leader.
Affect (state)
Influence (process) : having the character, development, or behavior changed by sth/sbd
Discover  -  to find out something existing but not yet known
e.g. Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent
Invent  -  to create or design some thing not existing before
e.g. Edison invented the electric light bulb
fundraiser : penggalangan dana
In the meantime : dalam pada itu
vigilant : waspada
alert : waspada, selalu siap
egregious : oustanding bad, shocking
casts (membuat) doubt
aerial (udara) vehicle
... respectively : berturut-turut
thatched roof : atap dari jerami/daun tebu, dsll
straw : jerami
enact : memerankan
pay heed to : pay attention
skitter : move lightly and quickly or hurriedly
uneven : tak rata
terrain : tanah lapangan, daerah
students have tackled the garbage problem in their hometown : mengerjakn, melakukan
uproar : kegemparan, kegaduhan, huru-hara
thievery : pencurian
prevail : berlaku (kki)
seminal : mempunyai kemungkinan berkembang di masa depan
prolifically : dg banyak hasil
skew (toward) : menyatakan tidak dengan sebenarnya, berbuat curang
epitomize : be a perfect example, melambangkan,
launching a preemptive (lebih dulu) war without the threat of an imminent (dekat, sebentar lagi) attack
vehement : penuh semangat, berapi-api
bystanders : orang yang berdiri dekat, penonton
vicinity  : sekitar, hampiran
caveat : surat protes/keberatan
a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch.
"Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoted the fox. (memuaskan dahaga)
the fox turned up his nose and said, "They're probably sour anyway," and proceeded to walk away.
The tree  gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers
The tree act as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area
trunk : batang pohon
innumerable branches
Those spread the shadow covering a wide space.
They tried to reach a town located at the east of the tree
They were enjoying the soothing cool breeze of the tree
soothing : mengentengkan (pain), menenagkan (nerves), menyejukkan
Since it is not a fruit-bearing tree, the traveller was disappointed
Since: karena
fruit-bearing tree
cursing : mengutuk
It is of no use!
compose : menenangkan
to stay cool : untuk tenang
After walking around for some time, she came to a spring
spring : mata air
a blade of grass : sehelai
While making her way up
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her
nearby tree
She plucked off a leaf
a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.
A young monkey named Sari

that teachers are grossly underpaid
grossly : nyata sekali
Aided by smartphone : dibantu oleh
compensation : bayaran, upah
cocktail parties : biasanya pesta ini diadakan waktu sore
Lurk : bersembunyi
to lurk in the dark : mengintai di tempat gelap
explicit : tegas
scrupulous : cermat, seksama
disperse : membubarkan, mengedarkan
inflate : memompa, membubung
parsimonious : terlalu hemat, pelit
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) : Biro Pencatatan Statistik
Bureau : antor
prevails : berlaku
determinations : kebulatan tekad
At first glance, ...
teachers are paid a salary commensurate with their skills
commensurate : sepadan
pool of candidates : kelompok
flaw : cacat
reliance : hal yang menggantungkan nasibnya, kepercayaan
obsolete : usang, kuno
conception : gambaran
corresponding : yg berhubungan dg surat-menyurat, sesuai, cocok
Likewise, ... : Demikian juga
to discern when hiring a new teacher
discern : menilai
aptitude : kecerdasan, ketangkasan
impart information : menyampaikan
tightly : dengan ketat
circumscribe: membatasi
Despite : meskipun
comprise : terdiri atas (v)
tenure : masa jabatan (of office), kedudukan tetap (as professor)
raising the average tenure of teachers.
palm-leaf hats
straw bonnets (bonnet : topi yg biasanya diikat dibawah dagu)
cotton mill : penggilingan kapas
clerical work : pekerjaan juru tulis
retention : ingatan (memory), penyimpanan (of sub), hak tetap memiliki (of property)
divergence : perbedaan
undermines : merusak, meruntuhkan (their authority)
infractions : pelanggaran
forsake : meninggalkan, mengabaikan
confiscate : menyita
cornerstone : batu pertama
rein : mengekang
tangible : nyata
Inevitably : tak dapat diabaikan/diacuhkan
stultify : melemahkan, mematikan semangat
preserve : memelihara (tradisi), mengawetkan (fruits)
The results of recruitment and retention are consistent; low salaries were associated with low-quality teachers.
Opportunities in the job are circumscribed
their opportunities were tightly circumscribed
If I believe they are charging more than they are worth, for a game or a concert or a movie, I simply don’t go.
the difficulty of identifying who will be a good teacher and the reliance on an obsolete conception of the pool of potential teachers.
whooped : berbatuk-batuk dengan suara keras
hollered : berteriak (halo)
reckless : sembrono
peer at : Look with difficulty or concentration, mengamati
grind : menggiling
sat on edge of their bed
words of remembrance
bring sth about : to cause something to happen
He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
Distinguish : membedakan, show
He died without a male heir (waris)
intercession : perantaraan
repository : tempat penyimpanan, gudang
defer : menunda
merit : kebaikan, jasa
inflammation : radang, peradangan
sore : sakit
whereupon : lalu, kemudian
staunch (in) : kukuh, setia
modesty : kesederhanaan, kerendahan hati, kesopanan
He is proficient at the Qur’anic readings : pandai, cakap
covenant : perjanjian
covenant  of marriage : akad nikah
perish : binasa, mati, tewas
forges lies
overrun : mengerumuni, mengepung, mengeroyok, menyerbu (country)
confine : mengurung
Treaty : perjanjian, pakta
indict : mendakwa, menuntut
capitulate (to) : menyerah, berkapitulasi
vestiges : bekas, sisa
Rally (kki) : bersatu, berkumpul; (kkt) : mengumpulkan, mengerahkan
thorough : seksama, teliti
thoroughly : sepenuhnya, bukan kepalang
They performed his obsequies : (upacara) pemakaman, penguburan
The whole country was seething with agitation
seething : mendidih (with anger), hiruk pikuk, ramai
agitation : hasutan, gejolak
fraught with : penuh dengan
peril : risiko, bahaya
grit : ketabahan
graft : sogok-menyogok, korupsi
It was battered by economic and social conflict, and was buffeted by a rapid succession of traumas.
battered  : dipukul
buffeted : terserang
succession : rangkaian

Caucus : rapat anggota-anggota partai
perils : risiko, bahaya
austere life : keras, tegang, cermat
propel : mendorong
lust : nafsu, birahi, gairah
pristine : murni, asli
egalitarianism : paham bahwa semua orang sederajat
demoted : menurunkan (derajat); biasanya seabgaii hukuman
pulse : nadi
turbulence : pergolakan, kkerusuhan, kekacauan
to ascend the pulpit (mimbar)
heave : timbul, muncul
convulsively : dengan tegang
palpable : jelas, gamblang
They to take the oath of allegiance to him
oath : sumpah
allegiance : kesetiaan
covenant : perjanjian
clandestine : gelap, tesembunyi
pledge : ikrar
foist : menyelinapkan, menipu, mengibuli
reverie : lamunan, angan-angan
grip my shoulder : memegang

to a/some degree : partly:
To some degree I think that's right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.
Willy-nilly :
If something happens willy-nilly, it happens even if the people who are involved do not want it to happen:
Both sides were drawn, willy-nilly, into the conflict.
without any order:
She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer.
prudent : hati-hati, bijasana
What gives?
  1. What gives is defined as something you ask when you aren't sure why someone is doing something or acting a certain way.
    An example of when to say "what gives" is when your friend promised you the extra concert ticket but then decided at the last minute to give it to a different friend for no reason.
(colloquial) What is wrong? Why is this happening?
Not even thirty minutes after leaving the shower, I start getting itches on my head. What gives?
  1. (colloquial, possibly dated) What is happening? What is going on?W
  2. hat gives with you and Martha?
It took me years to figure it out
is the absence of coercion : (penggunaan) paksaan/kekerasan
constraints : paksaan, ketidakleluasaan
Go through : If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved:
A council spokeswoman said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
Give out : If a machine or part of your body gives out, it stops working:
At the end of the race his legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground.
Give away : to give something to someone without asking for payment:
The shop is giving away a sample pack to every customer.
Nobody wants this type of heater any more - I can't even give it away!
to tell people something secret, often without intending to:
The party was meant to be a surprise, but Sharon gave it away.
I won't give the game (= the information or plan) away.
to allow an opponent to score a goal or win a game by making a mistake or doing something very badly :
You can't give away goals as easily as we did and win games at this level.
Servitude (N)
the state of being under the control of someone else and of having no freedom:
In the past, the majority of women were consigned to a lifetime of servitude and poverty.
Free beer for you means beer servitude for someone else.
Trade-off/Tradeoff : a balancing of two opposing situations or qualities, both of which are desired:
The tradeoff in a democracy is between individual liberty and an orderly society.
A tradeoff is also a situation in which the achieving of something you want involves the loss of something else which is also desirable, but less so:
They both had successful careers, but the tradeoff was they seldom saw each other.
substantially : pada hakikatnya
Put in :
to say something that adds to or interrupts what is already being said:
[+ speech] "But she's rather inexperienced for the job," put in Jane. 'Tambah Jane'
Cuddle : mengemong
cuddly (adj) : yang menyenangkan untuk disayangi.
Converts and recruits were few and far between : 'perbandingannya jauh / tak sebanding'
leaflets : surat selebaran
Call for sth : to need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality:
This calls for a celebration!
It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.
He told you that you were an idiot? Well, I don't think that was called for (= I think it was rude and not deserved)!
to demand that something happens:
Members have called for his resignation.

to stifle this intrusion
stifle a yawn : menahan kantuk
intrusion: gangguan
sheepishly : dengan malu-malu
squeaked: bercicit, mengerik
Meekly : dengan lembut/sabar/taat
Head off : to start a journey or leave a place:
What time are you heading off?
To device a way : merencanakan suatu cara
felt a yawn approaching : menguap
Set sb up: to establish someone or yourself in a business or position:
After he left college, his father set him up in the family business.
She set herself up as an interior designer.
[often passive] informal to trick someone in order to make them do something, or in order to make someone seem guilty of something that they have not done:
They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police.
to provide the money that someone needs for an important task or activity that is expected to last a long time:
Winning the lottery has set them up for life.
to provide someone with the energy or health that you need for a particular period of time:
A good breakfast really sets you up for the day.
Purse: dompet, mengerutkan bibir
intervene : turutcampur
patrons : langganan (of a restaurant)
To frequent (v) : sering mengunjungi
ruminated : merenungkan (in the past)
dismissed the absurd notion : membuyarkan dugaan mustahil/tak masuk akal

Sit up : (STAY AWAKE) to stay awake and not go to bed although it is late:
[+ -ing verb] The book was so interesting that I sat up all night reading it.
I'll be late tonight, so don't sit up for (= wait for) me.

Wake up to sth : to start to understand that a situation or problem exists:
Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.

rope: tali

tangkai : stem

effigy : patung

underworld: The world of criminal/ dunianya penjahat

Go off:
- If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working:
The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.
-If a bomb goes off, it explodes:
The bomb went off at midday.
-If a gun goes off, it fires:
His gun went off accidentally

Alley / alleyways : gang
lane / laneways : a narrow road in rural area

(From) The other day: at a certain time past, not distant, but indefinite; not long ago; recently; rarely, the third day past.

right away/off: Immediately; at once; without delay.

You can bring a friend along

Dia ngambek: he sulked

Please stop by my office next week. / call briefly as a visitor

fervently : dengan penuh semangat

learning objectives : tujuan pembelajaran

perfunctory : acuh tak acuh, asal saja

espionage : pengintaian

to forge a new relationship

forge : menempa

vigorous : giat

Meanwhile : sementara itu

Evict : mengusir

Pervert Islam : merusak/menodai Islam

to go in relentless pursuit of someone
relentless : tapa belas kasihan

intact : utuh

The cookbook cover was frayed
frayed : berjumbai

scratchy : kasar menggatalkan

sips : menyesap, minum sedikit2

revel : engage in lively and noisy festives

trudge :
verb-berjalan dengan susah payah
noun-perjalanan dengan susah payah

furrowed brow : alis berkerut
e.g he trudged along with a furrowed brow

He waves a dismissive hand
melambaikan tangan, tanda sesuatu tidak begitu penting dipertimbangkan

creep : berjalan pelan agar tidak didengar/diketahui

fiddling with a spoon
fiddling : menggesek, annoyingly trivial

dregs : ampas

casts : melempar

agile : cerdas, tangkas
agility : ketangkasan

shimmer : kilau, cahaya gemerlapan

accentuated : menonjolkan

She was gifted beyond most

flashes of light

fiery : berapi-api

rite. : a religious or other solemn ceremony or act

She yanked on the chain with perfectly bridled strength
yank : merenggut
bridle : mengekang

cordially : dengan ramah

Roof ripped from home

feud : perseteruan

flourish : tumbuh, berkembang

lure : pikatan, daya tarik

Octopus leaps out of water


Phrasal verb:

up for : available for
snake in/out : berjalan pelan-pelan agar tidak diketahui
tell somebody off : memarahi/mengomeli

vanish : lenyap, menghilang

frigid : dingin sekali

annihilate : membinasakan, membasmi

despise : menganggap hina, menganggap rendah

incite : menghasut

spewed : memuntahkan

probe : pemeriksaan, penyelidikan

descendants : keturunan, anak cucu

espionage : pengintaian

Spanning a period from 2006 until December 2014

grappled : bergelut

inundated with warnings related to the US ‘War on Terror
inundated : membanjiri, menggenangi

satellite interception ?

profile : describe in a short article

humdrum : monotonous, membosankan

signal jamming ?
jamming : penyumbatan

the relationship between A and B has frayed
frayed: become worn at edge

financial woes
woe: great sorrow, distress, trouble

breach : menerobos (v), pelanggaran (n)

Paid Leave?

raucous applause
raucous : loud noise

A quickly pounced with heated condemnations of B
pounced : diterkam, disambar

albeit predictable
albeit : sekalipun, walaupun = though

thwart : menghalangi, merintangi, menggagalkan

loom : appear as a vague form, terbayang

sway hearts
sway : mengguncang

roiled : mengganggu

construe : interpret in a particular way

draw a line in the sand:
~ to create or declare an artificial boundary and imply that crossing it will cause trouble.
~ to say that a particular idea or activity will not be supported or accepted

disposal - dispose
-dispose of = get rid of
-overcome (a rival or threat)

adamant and consistent
adamant : tak mau berubah, tak mau menyerah

forthright, candid, frank : jujur, terus terang, blak-blakan

conciliatory - conciliate : placet someone, pacify ; mendamaikan

he started his second stint as Prime Minister in 2004
stint : tugas

conflate (with) : combine into one

exacerbate : memperburuk

ascertain : memastikan

remarks (noun) : komen

after the votes are cast
cast : membuat, memberikan
casting : pemilihan pemain

irreparable.: tak dapat diperbaiki

get over : recover (from an unpleasant experience), overcome (a difficulty)

Back out : Tidak jadi
Dicky: You said, you want to join us. Come on?
Agung: Sorry, I back out.

countryside : daerah pedalaman

shovel : sekop, sodok

Shrug : mengangkat bahu (ekspresi)

smirk : tersenyum dibuat-buat
giggle : terkikih-kikih

Start (sth) off : to begin by doing something, or to make something begin by doing something

You should nickname me
nickname (Verb)

You slam the door
slam : membanting

tipping point
-the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.
"Brooding about this needless death, I reached the internal tipping point , where my guilt started to outweigh my pleasure."

gist : intisari

infiltrate : merembes, masu ke (e.g wilayah musuh)

sculpture : seni pahat

screech : menciut-ciut (suara)

mosquito net : kelambu

grazing : mengembalakan
goat: kambing
sheep : domba

the only girl I’ve ever known who could rival her charm, intellect and beauty is her mom
rival : menyaingi
charm : pesona, daya tarik

"Whatever it takes" means do what you can to get something done.
e.g He will do whatever it takes to support his family

picturesque : indah (seperti dalam lukisan), visually attractive

coastline : garis pantai

conifer-coated mountains

imposing : mengesankan

coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck

propensity for (kecenderungan) + Ving

but it isn't clear why they were granted freedom when many others had not been so lucky

the course of hours
course : rangkaian

handcuffed : borgol (n/v)

electrocuted : membunuh dg listrik

blindfold : menutup mata dengan kain

About another month went by : kira2 sebulan berlalu

captors : penahan, penangkap

Tertiary : ketiga

slander : memfitnah

clarity : kejelasan

.... thereof : dari padanya

shiver : menggigil (verb)

praise : memuji

extol : memuji dengan sangat

reinstated : mengembalikan ke posisi semula

fume: menggerutu

hiss: mendesis tak sepakat atau menejek/mencemooh

indiscriminately : secara tidak pandang bulu

mercilessly : tanpa ampun

mercilessly : dg tanpa ampun

pseudonym : nama samaran

qualms : rasa cemas

unveil : menyingkap

disclose : menyingkap

at will : semaunya, sesukanya

the guise of : samaran, kedok

assorted poems

assorted : bermacam-macam, campuran


his teeth were a terrible mess: overlapping, crooked and protruding like fangs

He is adamant

adamant : tetap tidak mau berubah, tak mau menyerah

unencumbered : tak terbebani

gag : lelucon

Fathom : understand something after much thought [usually with negative]

Dust pervaded the dim room

the end of his nose

Pammel : baku hantam

dodge : mengelak, menghindar

comatose : pingsan, tidak sadarkan diri

bounces (back): terpelanting, mental

chivalrous : sangat sopan (terhadap perempuan)

overriding : menolak (karena hal lain lebih penting)

unbuckle seat belt

rowdy: gaduh

keys in the ignition

ignition : tempat kontak/starter (motor/mobil)

dispatch : memberangkatkan

to raise cain : ribut tak karuan/marah sekali

e.g my parents as well as the other kids parents raised cain over it

wrecking the bus

wreck : merusak

nerve pills

act up : behave badly

nag : mengomel

Perbedaan "Give up" dan "Give in"

dalam bahasa Indonesia mungkin sama artinya, yakni menyerah atau berhenti.

Give up: (biasanya diikuti V-ing)

1) berhenti mencoba melakukan sesuatu


-When nightfall came, we gave up looking for the lost dog.

-I’ve given up trying to reason with you.

2) berhenti melakukan sesuatu

-He gave up basketball in order to focus on his musical career.

-He gave up singing

Give in: berhenti melawan sesuatu (Biasanya diikuti preposition to)

-Kids must try hard to resist giving in to peer pressure.

-The authorities refused to give in to the hostage takers’ demands.

-Kids have learned if they nag enough for long enough, parents will give in.

resemble (menyerupai; transitive verb)

pointers : Petunjuk

e.g I will give you pointers and ideas about which issues you should be considering

you need facilities for dropping off and picking up children.

dropping off : antar

picking up : jemput

supervision : pengawasan

We need supervision at all times for the kids

staff and superiors

pegawai dan atasan

Apart from ... A ... ..., ... B

e.g Apart from keeping things in perspective and developing a long-term vision, there are things you can do

To factor something in/out : memasukkan/mengeluarkan sesuatu (include/exclude something as a relevant)

He is feeling a financial pinch

top-notch service

notch : derajat

layoff : pemberhentian (sementara)

e.g there have been layoffs due to lack of work

dismal : muram, sedih

dismal future : masa depan yang malang

detrimental to : mengganggu

e.g Lack of excercise can be detrimental to one's health

kurang latihan dapat mengganggu kesehatan seseorang

infect : menulari, menjangkiti, mempengaruhi

to boost staff morale

morale : moril, semangat juang

curfew : jam malam

curfew : jam malam

I moved around discreetly

discreetly : dg hati-hati agar tidak mengganggu

axis : poros, sendi

warrant : menjamin

unfathomable : tak dapat diduga

instigate : menghasut

showdown : bentrokan, pertikaian

opaque material : benda tak tembus cahaya

Lethal weapon : senjata mematikan

reverently : dengan penuh hormat

offerings : sesaji

the water cascading

cascading : mengalir/berpancaran ke bawah

dusk : petang, menjelang malam, waktu samar-samar

Phrasal verb: patch up wounded hand (menambal luka)
Board: naik, e.g She boarded school bus
puts a damper on = mengurangi
1) The death of the leader put a damper on all social activities
Kematian pemimpin itu mengurangi semua kegiatan sosial
2) it puts a damper on the kind of creative solutions
(hal) itu mengurangi solusi yang kreatif
Genus (Singular) -------- Genera (Plural)
edible (dapat dimakan)
bait (umpan)
Subtlety = Seluk-beluk
Talk about personal etiquette or hygiene
hygiene: kesehatan
Fed up: kesal

~I'm fed up with my job.

~He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do.

crime and poor education both cluster around low-income, high-poverty neighborhoods, etc.

Cluster around: berkerumun disekitaran (tekstual)

ada bersama (kontekstual)

In teaching English students should not learn to translate, but develop a ´feeling´ for English.

As to : berkenaan dengan

I can’t answer questions as to how much money my brother is being paid

help alleviate burden

alleviate : mengurangi, meringankan

Many men rushed impetuously

impetuously: dengan tidak sabar

He sat astride his motorcycle

Ia duduk mengangkang diatas sepeda motornya.

brandish a knife

brandish a sword

~Mengacungkan pedang

Hitchhike : Membonceng, minta nunutan

He stopped and gave a lift to hitchhiker

grovel: Merendahkan diri, menyembah-nyembah

an amicable divorce: sebuah perpisahan dg baik-baik

He spoke in stilted English : Dia berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris yang kaku

inflate ballon/tire : memompa

deflate : mengempeskan

Good character emanates from the heart

emanate: keluar

tune out : stop paying attention/tidak memperhatikan lagi

recess : istirahat (antara jam pelajaran)

chore : pekerjaan, tugas

admonish : menegur, memperingatkan

before you broach the topic

broach : memulai pembicaraan

candid : terus terang

desert : treacherously abandon

estranged : mengasingkan

inadvertently : dengan tak hati-hati

deliberate : dengan sengaja

these feelings stifle

stifle : mencekik

weed : menyiangi

virtue : high moral standard, kebajikan

virtually : hampir


The trip cost a total of £250, insurance included.


The bill includes tax and service.

Tax and service are included in the bill.


Eight people, including two children, were injured in the explosion. Including Christmas Day and Boxing Day, I've got a week off work.


There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead?


You can go instead of me, if you want.

Instead of complaining, why don't we try to change things?


diverge (intransitive): berbeda

cover (transitive) : meliputi/mencakup

Notably : khususnya

farther (Adverb/adjective) : lebih jauh

further, comparative of far

disseminate knowledge

disseminate (menyebar)

If we revisit .. ...

revisit : meninjau kembali (consider again)

recur : terjadi kembali

He is somewhat of a coward

somewhat : agak

adversity: difficulty, misfortune, kemalangan

resilient : ulet/tabah

to bolster a person's resilience

bolster : menyokong, mendukung

sustain : menahan, menopang, enyokong

they don't conform with society’s expectations

conform : menyesuaikan diri

hardiness : ketabahan hati, daya tahan

invulnerable : kebal

mental toughness

tough : keras

What a coincidence. kebetulan

explicate : menjelaskan secara lengkap (analyse and develop in detail)

void : kekosongan, kehampaan

reminisce : mengenangkan

instill : menanamkan (gradually but firmly established in someone's mind)

in unison : serentak

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